All The Information You Need To Know About Dog Poop / Dog Waste

Why a Dog Poop Cleanup Equates to a Safer Community!

1. Preventing the spread of disease, viruses, and parasites. Dog’s Poop / Dog’s Waste is a breeding ground for health hazards that can affect humans, causing problems mild to severe. Unfortunately children are at the greatest risk, due to their tendency to playing in the grass and dirt and then putting fingers in their mouths.

***According to the United States Department of Agriculture, one of the primary agents for concern is roundworm. Roundworm eggs are released in the feces of an infected animal. If those eggs are accidentally ingested by a human, the larva hatch into the human body and migrate into the lungs, liver, spinal cord, or even the retina, causing blindness.

There’s an easier way dogs spread bacteria from their poop to us. All he has to do is step in another dog’spoop outside (easy enough) and come inside with trace amounts on his feet. Then, like a good dog does, he happily slaps his paw right in your hand the second you say “shake”. You may not ever relate that your mild to moderate stomach upsets are related to coming in contact with your dog’s poop. However, this is far more common than anyone would care to know.

2. Preventing Ugly Yards. Waste from our dogs is toxic to grass in our yard, causing the unappealing yellowing and burns that are hard to reverse. As dog poop break down they actually release specific nutrients that feed weed growth in our yards! The longer the feces sit in the yard, the more damage they do to it.

3. Preventing Water Pollution. Waste runoff from dog feces can cause serious problems in our waterways via sewer systems, but can also cause direct issues with bodies of water close by, such as ponds, creeks, and lakes. The same nutrients that feed weed growth in yards cause algae growth in ponds.

***The Environmental Protection Agency estimates 2-3 days worth of waste from approximately 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria to close down any watershed area or bay within 20 miles of it.

4. Preventing Flies. It’s no secret that flies are attracted to feces. They consume and lay eggs in feces of all sorts. Soon after, they may make their way into our homes, and land on our kitchen surfaces and food. The more feces you have surrounding your home, the greater your risk of getting a fly in your house, especially one that could transmit disease to your family.

5. Preventing the Smell. This point is quite obvious, but it is a real issue. The more feces that build up, the more you and your neighbors will notice. It’s much more enjoyable to spend time outside when we can take in the pleasant smells of grass, flowers, and fresh air, rather than the persistent smell of feces nearby.

6. Looking Ahead, Not Underfoot. The most immediate result of dog poop in the yard is the potential of our stepping in it. When a yard with dog poop is a problem, people find themselves searching the ground like hawks before they take a step, with good reason! The quickest way to ruin your day is stepping in poop. But, really, what’s the point of having a beautiful lawn if you fear stepping in it?

DOG POOP is a problem. If you don’t want to clean it up, someone else needs to.

This is why we are here.